Operating System

Windows 11: The operating system for hybrid work and learning

If the past year has taught us anything, it’s that organizations must be resilient, and ...
Operating System

Windows 11: The operating system for hybrid work and learning

If the past year has taught us anything, it’s that organizations must be resilient, and ...

Google’s AI Learns How To Code Machine Learning Software — Bad News For Programmers?

Short Bytes: A team of researchers at Google Brain AI research group has created an ...

Machine learning lets computer create melodies to fit any lyrics

Got words but no melody? A machine learning system turns poetry into song by ...

Baidu open sources its machine learning software

Chinese search giant Baidu has decided to open source its deep learning software to the ...

Chinese Search Giant Baidu Open Sources Its Deep Learning Software

Deep learning is a burgeoning field in artificial intelligence. The algorithms are ...

Team uses ‘Deep Learning’ to assist overburdened diagnosticians

Some 2 billion X-rays are performed around the world every year. But the average ...