We have seen many things boggle our mind on the Internet. Be it the white-gold, blue-black dress or the shiny legs that gave the Internet a hard time — often people across cities and nations have come together to figure out what’s going on. The latest to have the people in a tizzy is a crockery cupboard.
The question is — how to open the cupboard without breaking the plates? Now you might wonder why. A Taiwan-based Facebook page shared the photo of a crockery cupboard recently. The picture shows a glass cabinet that contains China utensils, which were probably kept one after the other on the rack, but came slipping down. Now the only thing that is stopping the bowls from falling is the glass pane of the cabin. It sort of looks like a crisis — that is to open the cupboard or not to. The picture shows how the plates are plainly just fighting the gravitational force to continue to hang in there.
Reportedly, the photo was first shared by a Facebook user who goes by the name Tseng Shao-Tsen. He apparently got the picture from his friend who was wondering how to stop the plates from breaking into pieces.
After uploading the picture on Facebook, he started getting plausible solutions from people as replies in no time. The photo was uploaded on November 13, this year and it got hundreds of people trying to figure a way out to get the plates out of the cabin without breaking it.
While one user suggested that placing thick quilts under the cabinet is one solution, someone suggested that the entire glass cabin be sold as a piece of art, which agreeably is what it even looks like in the picture!
But according to a Mail Online report, the woman opened the glass door slightly and using her hand to hold the plates, pushed the door ahead. And the glass plates are safe!
But that the China bowls had got so many people engaged with its bizarre positioning actually made for nothing less than a mind-boggling puzzle!
[Source:- The Indian express]