In 2014, engineer Shailesh Goswami set out to be a magician.
Shailesh’s dream was to be able click on an image of a room and get a completely customisable version. By “waving a magic wand”, he could then transform the space into whatever room dimensions he wanted, then look at the different furniture samples shown and figure out where to find them in different cities.
It took around 15 months for the IIT-Delhi grad and former Microsoft engineer to develop the software. In 2015, he released the site for Hyderabad-based Foyr, which currently offers owners of brand new homes in Hyderabad and Pune custom-made room designs for their floor plans.
Currently, Foyr only serves customers in Hyderabad and Pune. They can visit the website and submit a floor plan and basic home requirements, such as their budget and preferred design. If a floor plan is unavailable or customers want to provide additional information, they can submit pictures of their empty house. The software will then give them three personalised designs, along with their price. The website services are free and take about 10 minutes.
If customers want to proceed with the designs, they can go into one of Foyr’s offices and fine-tune their customisation.
Once design and cost are finalised, implementation takes about 40 days — nearly halving the time taken in the traditional route.
2017’s bringing change for the company. Foyr and its 70-person team are trying to change their business model around to be more workable for several locations at once, including places outside of India. Through the new model, Foyr will take up a software-as-a-service approach.