Again with all the rain last week my computer went out on Wednesday. So Thursday morning I called the phone company to report it, and since my call was number 1 (next in line), they finally got to me in 15 minutes. Then I had to answer quite a few personal questions, including my Social number, which I told him that nobody likes telling that and they need a different way to tell who you are. I told him it wasn’t his fault, he was just doing his job. He gave me a tracking number and said I would get a call when they could come out.
Monday morning, I called back and he didn’t know why nobody had called me and why it was taking so long. I informed him that I was sitting at home waiting, when I was needed elsewhere, and I couldn’t take Tuesday off because I was booked with appointments. I told him that if they couldn’t take care of me I might have to find a new server. In just a little while the worker called and was here in 10 minutes. After checking inside and outside, the problem was as usual, down at the old telephone building. That’s where all the operation comes from. What good was a tracking number, I think I washed it in my uniform pocket.
Being Mayor
So far things are going pretty smooth running the business of Mayor and the beauty shop, I’m just a phone call away.
Some have concerns, but Ailene’s the only Mayor that has been down there in the mornings. Walter Martin, and Leroy worked for Milliken, Beaver worked for Dentons, and Ailene worked for Ashe Insurance until she retired from there. If they had business to attend to they went in the evening. So I’m there Monday and Wednesday early, and evenings a few of the other days.
Of course I’m just Interim Mayor. I will be running for Mayor on March 5. My seat on council, along with Donnie’s, is up this year, so if I don’t make Mayor I will be out completely. So I’m trying to finish up the projects that I’ve been working on just in case I’m out. It’s up to the voters.
Municipal Meeting
Donnie, Mallory, and I went to Richburg for a municipal meeting last Thursday. Union County and Jonesville also were there. I was under the impression that this was a very important meeting, but it seems that since we don’t live in York, Lexington, or any other BIG city we’re just dust in the wind.
During questions and answers Sheriff Taylor was wanting to know why the little towns got very little funding. (They) totally ignored the point and talked all around his question. So I guess we were there to share the food at the reception, afterwards.
I ate shrimp and grits for the first time. Well I’ve eaten both, just not together. With some cheese grated on it and a dab of bacon, it was great. Of course I hadn’t had anything to eat all day, and this was about 7 at night. Donnie said he stopped at McDonald’s so he went home. The company was good though, Mallory and I chatted all the way there and back.
I worked New Year’s Day just to go to the meeting that Thursday. And as far as New Year’s Eve, I went to bed at 10:30 p.m., since I was going to work the next day.
No New Year’s Resolution
This is the first year that I didn’t make a New Year’s Resolution, that I could break in the next couple of weeks.
New Year’s In Michigan
When I lived up in Michigan, we always went to the grand New’s Year Eve balls. Long gowns, tuxedos, big bands, lots of booze, which I didn’t participate in because I would be driving home in the icy snow. And who wants to feel bad the next day. But you really feel like a princess all dressed up in some glamorous gown, dancing the night away. My husband was in different Shrine groups and these were the parties we had to attend.
That was then and this is now. I have more important things to do on nights like that — catch up on needed sleep, and dreams that I won’t remember once my feet hit the floor.