Is Amal Clooney About To Take On The Fashion World?

She’s an international lawyer and card-carrying member of the Hollywood elite. Now, is Amal Clooney about to add fashion force to her resume?

As a high-profile human rights lawyer married to Hollywood royalty, Amal Clooney is already straddling two disparate worlds. Since being launched into public consciousness following her wedding to George Clooney in 2014, her flawless courtroom and red-carpet looks have also seen her hailed as a style icon, who regularly tops best-dressedlists.

Now insiders say that Amal is increasingly feeling the pull of the fashion world, which is clamouring to claim her as one of its own. According to one source, ‘A number of fashion houses have contacted Amal about becoming the face of their brand.

In the past she’s brushed off similar approaches from huge fashion magazines who’ve begged to shoot her, telling friends she’s flattered but needs to concentrate on her legal work. Increasingly, she feels tempted to stretch her wings.

She’s believed to be engaged in talks with Oscar de la Renta’s creative director, Peter Copping, as well as Giambattista Valli, who’s punted the idea of her having a co-consultant role at the brand.

‘Amal has long been obsessed with clothes, but she never considered working in the fashion industry. Since finding herself in the spotlight, she’s collaborated with designers who have created custom-made pieces, and had a very hands-on role.

She’d love to develop these working relationships further, but doesn’t want it to detract from her day job at Doughty Street Chambers. Her life is already one huge balancing act.’

Perhaps Amal is right to be cautious. She’s been accused of exploiting ‘the Clooney effect’ to advance her career, but insists that she exercises her profile in ‘an appropriate manner’. Last month, a tabloid columnist branded her ‘Kim Kardashian with a law degree’, trilling, ‘God save us all from Amal Clooney the attention-seeker.’

‘Amal is well aware her critics will have a field day if she enters the fashion arena, and that is part of her reservation,’ added the source. ‘She doesn’t want to be seen to be neglecting her work as a barrister. George is said to be hugely supportive and it’s believed he thinks that if she can combine her love of fashion with her “day job”, there’s no reason why she shouldn’t.’

Natalie Kingham, buying director at, thinks consumers would be keen to steal Amal’s style: ‘Amal resonates with many of our international customers as she opts for timeless, luxurious pieces which have longevity and can work in many different ways for different occasions. Her look is elegant and fashionsavvy.

She was spotted with Balenciaga’s iconic Le Dix bag when it launched and that became a best-selling shape for us.’ Our source concluded, ‘The wheels are already in motion, so it’s just a case of whether Amal decides to take the leap.’

Take a look back at all of Amal Clooney’s greatest sartorial moments in the gallery below:


  • amal-clooney

[Source:- Grazia Daily]

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