Social media challenges are basically a collection of incongruously cultivated ideas that aim to bring about a glint of joyous entertainment, regardless of their nonsensicality.
The Mannequin Challenge, which is largely resonant on Instagram and Twitter through the hashtag #mannequinchallenge, has sparked a new sensation that seems to be preoccupying internet users once more.
The Mannequin Challenge is essentially a form of “freeze mob”, which is the exact opposite of a “flash mob”. The challenge comprises a short clip in which participants remain immobile, imitating mannequins. In addition, the subjects may choose to strike a pose that flows in harmony with the poses of others to form a panoramic-like still. Even though the challenge is subtly different, it is noticeably reminiscent of the Harlem Shake, which gained humongous exposure to the masses back in 2013.
This challenge had its unprecedented exposure on the web brought about by students from Edward H. White High School in Jacksonville, Florida, the US.World-renowned public figures such as Michelle Obama, for example, also partook in the challenge along with members of the NBA.
The largest recurring theme in this challenge is the background music that complements the ambivalent atmosphere in every clip. The song is “Black Beatles”, written and performed by rapper duet, Rae Sremmurd. The band has also participated in the challenge.
A YouTube channel called Just Kidding Films posted its own version of the Mannequin Challenge not too long ago. This time, they decided to choreograph, and ended the clip with a big twist that resembled the Harlem Shake. Perhaps it stood as a tribute — a nod to the former phenomenon of internet meme ubiquity.
Like Just Kidding Films, another YouTube channel, AndrewProductionsTV, put together a version of the Mannequin Challenge. In the video, the production team has reached another level by improving the value of the challenge through incorporating great choreography and, most importantly, cinematography.
Last but not least, a Sacramento-based comedian, vlogger and YouTuber who goes by the name David So (@Davidsocomedy), showed his participatory side by filming a very short Mannequin Challenge clip for his Instagram. Rather than successfully completing it, David is seen being prompted by a slight “interference”, thereby failing the challenge in a very comedic way.
All in all, there is no telling whether the Mannequin Challenge will acquire as much recognition as previous viral challenges. Unlike the ALS ice bucket challenge, it does not serve any causes such as crowd-funding.
The “cinnamon challenge” and Harlem Shake, for instance, are two of the biggest viral challenges with an insurmountable number of viewers. Due to the Harlem Shake, brands followed the trend by posting videos for advertising campaigns, resulting in a very profitable marketing impact. The Mannequin Challenge, however, still remains simply a platform for creativity from younger generations.
Regardless, the challenge has managed to attract many viewers, reflecting previous challenges that overcrowded the internet.