Microsoft proclaims home windows 10 build 14376 for pcs and cellular

Windows 10 Mobile

Microsoft has simply released home windows 10 build 14376 to home windows Insiders within thespeedy Ring for computer and cell. The latest build of windows 10 does now not introduce any foremostnew features, that is pretty expected as we’re nearing the discharge of windows 10 Anniversary replace. With build 14376, Microsoft has endured to repair insects and enhance the stability of the OS.

it is well worth noting that Microsoft is without a doubt eliminating a characteristic with this build, andthis is the Messaging anywhere function which the business enterprise hopes to improve within theclose to future. unfortunately, this feature will not be coming to home windows 10 with the Anniversaryreplace and the enterprise will work with the Skype team to improve the function.

As typical, the present day build is to be had to Insiders within the rapid Ring. if you show up to bewithin the rapid Ring, you could get the latest construct by using heading over to Settings > replace &protection, after which checking for updates. satisfied downloading!

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