Mobile Internet services have been restored in Jammu region, after a 17-day-long ban that was imposed after the killing of Hizbul Mujahideen commander Burhan Wani during an encounter with security forces in South Kashmir on July 8.
“Yes we have ordered to restore mobile Internet services across Jammu,” Deputy Commissioner of Jammu Simrandeep Singh said.
The orders have been issued to restore mobile Internet services with immediate effect, he said.
Fearing a backlash in Jammu region after the start of unrest in Kashmir, the authorities decided to snap mobile Internet services across 10 districts of the region.
Complaining that the industry was suffering huge damages due to the ban on mobile Internet services, the Chamber of Commerce and Industries (CCI) Jammu had demanded immediate restoration of the services.
“The Internet services should be restored without any further delay…,” CCI Jammu chief, Rakesh Gupta had written to the state government.
A college student said, “Students mostly rely on mobile Internet for their studies, to find reference. But due to ban on such services for the last 17 days our studies were badly hampered.”