The National Capital Commission board is starting to show sympathy for Ottawa’s property taxpayers, voting unanimously Monday to approve a new design for a Rideau Canal bridge despite criticisms from an advisory committee.
The city is eager to build a $21-million pedestrian and cycling bridge between Fifth Avenue and Clegg Street to connect the Glebe and Old Ottawa East.
The design has changed from the last time the bridge came to the NCC board for approval in 2012.
The NCC’s advisory committee on planning and design has decried the change in concept. The city abandoned its plan for a curvy bridge deck, largely to save $3 million.
The advisory committee bemoaned the “value engineering” resulting in a more plain bridge design.
“This proposal remains a missed opportunity to build an outstanding, iconic structure that will last 100 years,” the advisory committee indicated during a meeting last month. The meeting minutes were included in a report to the board.
Original proposed footbridge design between Fifth Avenue and Clegg Street Source: City of Ottawa environmental assessment.
The advisory committee believes the city’s past challenges building bridges – such as the Airport Parkway bridge and the Vimy Memorial Bridge – shouldn’t deter the city from pursuing a great design for a new canal bridge.
NCC board member Kay Stanley said if she didn’t see the previous curvy bridge design she would be more excited for the current concept.
But board member Brian Coburn, indicating he was speaking for the average taxpayer, said the agency must consider the cost to build the bridge.
“The affordability in this town has come into play, big time,” Coburn said.
New footbridge design approved by the NCC board.
The design has long ramps on each side, stretching up to the bridge deck. Two support piers will be built into the canal.
The city wants to build the crossing so people can move between the neighbourhoods much easier. The next closest bridges are the Pretoria Bridge and the Bank Street bridge.
The federal government recently announced it would provide $10.5 million for the bridge. The city hopes the Ontario government also chips in so the costs can be distributed across the three levels of government.
The city wants to start building the bridge by the end of 2017, accelerating the timeline originally established in the transportation master plan.
The bridge could also help connect Lansdowne Park with LRT if people don’t mind walking from the closest station at Lees Avenue.
Mayor Jim Watson, a non-voting member of the NCC board, agreed the city has had problems building some bridges, but he emphasized other successfully built crossings, such the Corktown bridge on the canal and the Adàwe crossing on the Rideau River.
NCC CEO Mark Kristmanson said the agency has achieved some design wins through consultations with the city. For example, the bridge deck has been widened from four meters to five metres.
Kristmanson acknowledged project cost is a “weight” on the city and recommended board members temper their expectations for the final design.
NCC staff will continue working with the city through the final design stage.
[Source:-Otawa sun]