You can now better find and investigate gadgets that aren’t revealing Windows update progress in Microsoft Intune reports. It probably won’t have been obvious previously, yet gadgets that aren’t sending symptomatic information to Microsoft can’t show definite gadget status in the organization cycle.
Two new cautions will give you better bits of knowledge into these issues: DeviceDiagnosticDataNotReceived and MinimumOSBuildNotMet. You can find them coordinated into Intune revealing similarly as they are in Windows Update for Business reports and Log Examination. We should realize what these alarms mean, where to track down them, and how to investigate and remediate the fundamental issues.
Detailing issues and causes
Have you at any point confronted any of the accompanying issues while checking Windows update arrangement?
Gadgets show up “disconnected,” forestalling the update establishment process, while different times they are refreshed effectively.
Gadgets in a sending seem caught in the “booked” or “offer-prepared” states for a delayed period, in some cases even after the update has been effectively introduced. That is, they never show right advancement, for example, “introducing,” “hanging tight for a restart,” and so on.
Gadgets don’t show up in that frame of mind for Business reports after enlistment. This occurs assuming the gadget never imparted symptomatic information in any case or had not done as such in over 28 days.
These issues happen when a gadget neglects to convey client information. A portion of the top causes are gadget idleness or misconfigured client information settings. Another conceivable reason is that the gadget may not be on the expected least operating system work to fit the bill for report enlistment. You can measure arrangement achievement and screen the general strength of your association all the more actually with gadget consistence alarms connected with indicative information.
Gadget consistence cautions
Anything that detailing apparatus you use, seeing the genuine condition of gadgets in your organization is basic. Windows symptomatic information permits you to pinpoint a gadget’s advancement through the organization interaction and distinguish any issues that trigger cautions. Cautions give insights concerning what keeps gadgets from refreshing and give clear direction on settling these issues with designated arrangements. Here are the bits of knowledge you can get with the two new alarms and the current caution in Microsoft Intune.
New Device Diagnostic Data Not Received alert
The DeviceDiagnosticDataNotReceived ready distinguishes gadgets that neglect to send analytic information and in this manner their client status shows up erroneously in reports.
Meaning: Gadget isn’t imparting indicative information. This is a conventional sign, and the reasons incorporate however are not restricted to:
Mistaken symptomatic information arrangement
No arrangement to send symptomatic information
Impeded network endpoints
Suggested activity: Ensure that the gadget is accurately designed to share analytic information. Empower utilization of Windows demonstrative information by Intune and see the investigating and remediation segment underneath.
Detailing accessibility: Microsoft Intune (new), Windows Update for Business reports
New Minimum OS Build Not Met alert
The MinimumOSBuildNotMet recognizes a subset of missing gadgets that neglect to meet all requirements for report enlistment.
Meaning: Gadget doesn’t meet the base adjusting necessity for enlistment into reports because of the missing Windows analytic information processor setup.
Suggested activity: Guarantee that the gadget has essentially the January 2023 non-security update or February 2023 total update introduced. Dive more deeply into Windows indicative processor support.
Detailing accessibility: Microsoft Intune (new), Windows Update for Business reports (new)
Existing Insufficient Update Connectivity alert
A connected ready that you may be more acquainted with is InsufficientUpdateConnectivity. While not new, it supplements the comprehension of the master plan.
Meaning: Gadget is idle, or its symptomatic information isn’t sufficient to approve adequate action to refresh the gadget effectively.
Suggested activity: Ensure that the gadget is dynamic and associated with the web.
Detailing accessibility: Microsoft Intune, Windows Update for Business reports
The three cautions are fundamentally unrelated. A functioning DeviceDiagnosticDataNotReceived alert just gives an overall outline of gadgets missing from reports for different undefined reasons. Gadgets with a referred to reason, for example, not gathering the operating system fabricate essential, would be rather distinguished by a functioning MinimumOSBuildNotMet alert. Similarly, the InsufficientUpdateConnectivity alert is more unambiguous than the conventional caution. These particular alarms could never show up as dynamic along with DeviceDiagnosticDataNotReceived on a similar gadget.
We should perceive how you can involve these alarms in Microsoft Intune similarly as in Windows Update for Business reports or Log Examination.
Mix with Microsoft Intune revealing
Whether you’re dealing with a couple of gadgets or thousands, Microsoft Intune assists you with guaranteeing that Windows update arrangements run as expected. Envision that you need to screen gatherings of gadgets related with explicit arrangement strategies. You can do as such for the dynamic gadgets that meet the requirements for enlistment to reports and reliably convey symptomatic information. This is the way you can find and investigate these situations with the new alarms.
Like any remaining alarms in Intune, view these cautions in the fundamental status report and disappointment reports in Intune.
Sign in to the Microsoft Intune administrator focus.
Explore to Reports.
Under Gadget the executives, select Windows refreshes.
Change to the Reports tab.
Select to open the ideal report from the accessible tile list. Note: We’re utilizing a facilitated refreshes report as an illustration here, however you can apply the accompanying moves toward the element update and driver update reports also.
Select the ideal Update strategy and Update collected status.
Select the Produce report button to see the outcomes.
Disappointment reports unite gadgets under unambiguous strategies that have blunders or cautions. To see the disappointment reports:
Begin in the Microsoft Intune administrator focus.
Explore to Gadgets.
Under Oversee refreshes, select Windows refreshes.
Change to the Screen tab.
Select the KPI card of the ideal strategy for a point by point view.
Select a profile from the rundown
Select any of the approach profiles to see its rundown of gadgets with a functioning alarm.
A screen capture of the gadgets with a functioning caution in the update disappointments report.
(Discretionary) Select explicit cautions from the Alarm channel.
Select the alarm message for a particular gadget to see the mistake depiction, important subtleties, and suggestions.
Different reports to utilize these cautions
Utilizing Windows Update for Business reports? You can likewise track down these cautions there utilizing Sky blue Exercise manuals or Log Investigation. The two cautions are presently accessible in the Purplish blue Exercise manual Outline tab, inside the Complete gadgets KPI card. Simply select View subtleties and afterward Missing gadgets, as displayed.
Utilize the accompanying question assuming that you might want to see the information from the Windows Update for Business reports exercise manuals in Log Examination:
UC Device Alert
| where AlertSubtype in (“DeviceDiagnosticDataNotReceived”, “MinimumOSBuildNotMet”)
| project DeviceName, AzureADDeviceId, AlertSubtype, StartTime, AlertData, Portrayal, Proposal
For more direction on these detailing choices, adhere to the guidelines in Missing gadgets in Windows Refresh for Business reports?.
Investigate and remediate demonstrative information issues
Kindly guarantee that gadgets with these alarms are dynamic and accurately arranged to send Windows symptomatic information. That’s what to do, check that the accompanying settings are designed accurately:
Default Windows analytic information settings. Actually look at your Windows demonstrative information settings. Generally speaking, the default settings of “Required” or “Essential” are adequate. Assuming you’ve recently arranged these settings to something besides the default, check whether that design could influence analytic information conduct.
Intune symptomatic information settings. Make sure that you’ve accurately empowered Intune setting for symptomatic information.
Bunch Strategy settings. Check any Gathering Strategy settings you’re sending. Assuming the expected settings are inaccurately set through Gathering Strategy, they’ll abrogate Intune settings. Really focus on any extra Gathering Approaches on the gadget. To determine any struggles, adhere to guidelines in Permit demonstrative information Gathering Strategy.
Setup Director co-the board. In the event that utilizing Design Supervisor co-the executives, check your Analytic information settings in Framework Place Activities Administrator.
OneSettings administration. Ensure that the DisableOneSettingsDownload is empowered. The default is to never impair this arrangement strategy. To find out more and twofold actually take a look at this strategy, visit Framework Strategy CSP.
Begin involving the new alarms in Microsoft Intune today
Gathering and using demonstrative information is fundamental for improving generally speaking framework unwavering quality and effectiveness.
Acquire a more exhaustive perspective on Windows update organization achievement utilizing the two new cautions, DeviceDiagnosticDataNotReceived and MinimumOSBuildNotMet. This new ability inside Microsoft Intune expands on the current usefulness in Windows Update for Business reports and Log Examination, offering significantly greater adaptability and command over your gadget the executives technique.
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