When a reporter becomes the story, everybody loses


Donald Trump’s campaign manager was charged with battery Tuesday for allegedly assaulting a female reporter. Trump supports him 100%. Tremendous. Explain: Former Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields tried to ask Trump a question at an event this month when she said Corey Lewandowski grabbed her arm. Lewandowski said he never met Fields and called her “delusional.” Fields then quit her job at Breitbart because she said the conservative news site didn’t back her up. Florida police on Tuesday released a video of the confrontation that shows Fields isn’t delusional. Florida law says battery is when a person “actually and intentionally touches or strikes another person against the will of the other.” Here’s the video.

When a tie feels awesome

The Supreme Court deadlocked 4-4 Tuesday in its first major tie since Justice Antonin Scalia died last month and left the court with eight justices. Who won: Labor unions. And before Scalia’s death, unions were pretty sure they would lose the case. The deadlock leaves in place a lower court ruling that says unions can keep collecting fees from public employees who don’t want to join their unions. Who lost: Conservatives who wanted to cripple unions’ power. With Scalia gone, this tie may be the court’s new normal.

RIP,  Patty Duke

Actress Patty Duke, the teen who won an Oscar for “The Miracle Worker” and later played “identical cousins” in her own sitcom, died Tuesday at the age of 69. Sadness. What we admire about her:

  • Not only did she win that Academy Award, she was the then-youngest person to do so at the time.
  • “The Patty Duke Show,” which was created for her and cemented her in American pop culture. (At the time, no one, not even Duke, knew she was bipolar. Producer Sidney Sheldon had noticed she had two distinct sides to her personality, and the two came up with the unconventional show idea in 1963.)
  • After being diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 1982, she wrote a book about it and become an outspoken advocate for mental health issues.

Bad news, Millennials: Here are 2 million more financial worries

Retirement. It’s gonna cost ya. If you were born in the early ’80s, you’ll only need $1.8 million. The young’uns born in the late 1990s: Make that $2.5 million. Blame (in part) inflation. Experts’ forecasts assume a 2% inflation rate, which means a $1 million nest egg today would be worth about $530,000 in 2048, when older Millennials start retiring, and roughly $386,000 in 2064, when the youngest Millennials call it quits. Making the headache worse: student-loan debt that keeps us from saving and investing. But maybe the unexpected upside of student-loan debt is the financial responsibility it forces on your life — especially when you realize you need $2 million to retire.

On Tuesday, Hadley Malcolm wrote about paying off part of her student loan debt and the response was huge. So we took some time to respond to our readers. Hadley Malcolm for USA TODAY.

Need a second job to pay student debt, save for retirement? Move to Cali

Golden State legislators struck a deal to raise California’s minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2022, which will boost the wages of about 6.5 million California residents, or 43% of the state’s workforce. But the plan has its fault lines. Proponents say the move will provide a decent living wage for millions of low-income residents, be good for the state’s economy and prompt other states to follow. Opponents say it will force employers to replace workers with technology and cause hardship in rural and distressed areas where businesses can’t afford the base wage. Under the plan, the state’s minimum wage would rise from $10 to $10.50 in 2017 and increase gradually each year through 2022.

[Source:-  USA today]

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