Last call for free software. Microsoft is raising the price of Windows 10 upgrades from $0 to $120 starting tomorrow, July 30th. If you’re one of the holdouts, it’s time you wise up and download the damn thing.
For many legacy users, Windows 10 update prompts have been a nightmare. Microsoft has been unreasonably aggressive about forcing customers onto its new operating system, so much so that one woman sued Microsoft and won because her computer automatically updated to Windows 10.
But that’s all beside the point. It’s finally time to stop holding out because Windows 10 is actually a great operating system, and there’s no legitimate reason for waiting to update anymore. Here are 5 reasons you should update to Windows 10.
1) Cortana is smarter than any desktop virtual assistant
Windows 10 is the first major operating system to include a virtual assistant on the desktop, and it will get even better with Windows 10 Anniversary updateavailable August 2. Microsoft’s virtual assistant Cortana can do things like give you directions, find good restaurants, and create calendar events just by talking to it. The software can also sync with the Cortana app on any phone, so any questions you ask on your Windows 10 computer will automatically be pulled up on your phone. The new syncing feature comes in handy for anyone that constantly bounces between their PC and phone.
2) Microsoft is still supporting styluses
Are styluses making a comeback? Probably not, but Windows 10 has you covered in case they do. The new operating system includes Microsoft’s Windows Ink platform that lets you do more with any of official Surface Pens.
After the pending Anniversary Update, tapping on a Microsoft Surface Pen opens up an entire panel of options including sticky notes, sketchbook, and screen capture. It also shows recently used apps and suggests new apps to download. Some apps are even intelligent, so if you write “coffee meeting at 8 in the morning” in the sticky notes app, it will automatically set a calendar event for you.
3) Log into your PC by looking at it
Remembering all those passwords can be a huge pain in the ass-so why not remember a few less. With Windows 10, you can actually use your face to login into your computer, and once the Anniversary update rolls out, you’ll be able to login to select apps with your face as well. Apps like Dropbox and iHeartRadio will get the feature right away, and Microsoft says it’s planning to release more in the coming months. You can also use the feature in Microsoft’s new web browser, Edge, which will make it easier to do things like purchase goods or login to other websites. Now you can finally stop using “password1234” to login into all your accounts. Somehow, this is even easier.
4) Microsoft’s new web browser is actually good
Internet Explorer is easily one of the shittiest mainstream tech products in the world, but thankfully, after all these years, Microsoft is laying it to rest. Although it’s still hidden in the Windows 10 applications folder for legacy purposes, Microsoft is ready to move on.
The company has introduced Edge, a brand new browser built from scratch, and it has some cool new features like Cortana built right into it. That means the browser can automatically search Yelp reviews and directions when you’re looking at a restaurants website. The browser is built make it easier to navigate the web, bringing all the most important information to the forefront.
5) Windows Start button is back
You might be reluctant to update after years of botched Windows releases from Microsoft. How could we possibly forget the debacle created when Microsoft shipped Windows 8 without the software’s iconic start button?
In Windows 10, the Start button is back in all its glory with a couple of extra menus. The live tiles from Windows 8’s start screen have basically been jammed into the Start menu, and they work nicely as shortcuts to any of your favorite apps. You can unpin the live tile additions if you prefer a more classic look, or you can expand the live tiles into a full screen mode if you’re one of the few people that likes Windows 8.
The level of personalization in Windows 10 is greater than it’s ever been in any Microsoft operating system, and for that reason alone, it’s time to stop holding out and upgrade to thew new OS.]
[Source:- Gizmodo]