We have teamed up with Numskull to offer you the chance to win some great gaming goodies.
One lucky reader will win a Fallout 4 mug, PlayStation coasters and Sega Mega Drive coasters. You can take a closer look at all of the items in the giveaway on Numskull’s website.
If you’d like to get your hands on this brilliant gaming merchandise bundle, all you need to do is use the giveaway form below to be in with a chance of winning. Simply log in to Gleam to use the entry options. You can choose to enter just once by picking one of the options after signing up below, or you can increase your chances of winning by choosing two or more options. If you already follow us on Twitter or Like us on Facebook, that’ll count too. Simply press the +1 button and follow the instructions provided.
The competition ends at midnight on 5 September and the winner (who will be chosen completely at random) will be notified shortly after.
[Source:- Tech Advisor]