How IS terrorists used social media for ‘updates’ on Dhaka cafe assault

Militants on Friday stormed into a restaurant and bakery in Dhaka’s excessivesecurity diplomatic sector, butchering 20 foreigners and starting up a gun warfare that left six terrorists and one police officer dead.
A day later, after the siege had ended, Bangladesh’s Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said that the us of a‘ssecurity forces were capable of save 13 human beings from being performed by the militants. But a top level view of the so-referred to as “Islamic State‘s” (IS) use of social media shows how safety forces may additionally have come up short at some point of the operation.IS has been stepping up attacks in Bangladesh in current years, DW’s social media expert in Germany said, adding that the group regarded to have a uniform strategy before and after every strike.
“The Islamists’ studies may be very thorough and that they find motives to kill human beings. After theymurder the sufferer, they release ‘press statements’ to justify the character‘s demise. These areaccompanied via traces from the Quran and the sufferers are reported responsible for being Murtada – orwearing an Islamic call However talking towards the religion,” the social media professional defined. The militants use machetes because it’s far considered greater Islamic than killing someone with a bullet.
IS published attack ‘updates’
On Friday, tracking the internet for updates at the IS siege in Dhaka, showed IS militants have been the usage of Twitter and the immediately messaging app Telegram to “report” on their attack‘s forces seemed to have paid no interest to those vital clues, the expert said.

“IS warned lengthy in the past that it might level attacks in the course of Ramadan in many nations,which include Bangladesh. The authorities appears to have paid no attention,” he stated.
Rapidly after the militants stormed Dhaka’s Holey Artisan Bakery and O’Kitchen eating place on Friday, ISpublished an update. “The Is alleged duty for the assaults thru its news organization Amaq,” aassertion tweeted by way of the intelligence group Website online‘s head stated. A tested account of the Syrian citizen journalism institution, Raqqa SL, had earlier published the authentic pix.

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