If you are occupying an office building, your priority is to ensure that all office systems are cleaned, repaired, and maintained. Failing to take care of them can cause your office, workers, and staff problems affecting their daily activities. One system that will need a professional to take care of it is commercial AC units.
You should know that AC units in a commercial building will most likely operate for almost the entire day, so it is vital that you have them cleaned and maintained as much as possible. Failing to clean a commercial AC unit can potentially cause problems for many sections within a building. If you are inexperienced in taking care of your commercial building’s AC unit, you should learn about the best times to have them cleaned and maintained.
1. Clean after a renovation process
When a renovation project takes place near the AC unit, you should expect it to get dirty. You will never know how the renovators did their job, even if they promised that they would keep their work area clean at all times. It would be best if you never took chances and still had your AC unit cleaned by a professional AC technician.
Note that tiny dust particles and debris can find their way within the AC unit, which can cause it not to function when used. You do not want to use an AC unit that already has problems because its issues might worsen, which would also mean expensive repairs. Once the renovators finish their work near an AC unit, make sure you have AC technicians ready to clean before anyone uses it.
2. Clean after months of continuous use
When you have constantly been using your commercial AC unit for more than six months, it is ideal that you have them cleaned right away. The AC unit will have tons of dust and other tiny particles within its air filters and other parts, which will slowly cause other AC components to break. You do not want that happening because that will also become an expensive repair if left unattended for a long time.
Commercial building owners sometimes forget to contact AC technicians to have their systems cleaned and maintained. A great tip you can follow is to have them go to your building on a scheduled basis. It will save you valuable time and stress since they have a schedule they follow to ensure your AC units are well-maintained each year.
3. Clean during the summer season
Keep in mind that summer seasons are usually the months that will require people to use their AC units throughout the day because of the warm temperatures. The chances of AC units breaking down during summertime are higher than usual because the outside heat will cause them to work twice as hard.
It will collect more dust particles in its air filters, and its other components will wear out quicker. It would be best to hire an AC technician because they can do the cleaning and the maintenance in a single day. They can find existing issues and repair them immediately to ensure you can use the AC unit within the day.
Your commercial building should have quality heating and cooling properties as long as you remember the best times to clean your AC unit.