A new version of Windows 10 that’s floating around the Insider Preview circles has been found to include a new DLL file called gamemode.dll, and the repercussions of this could be very interesting for PC gamers.
Twitter user WalkingCat (@h0x0d) made the discovery of the new file in build 14997, which points to a new feature in a forthcoming version of Windows 10. However, what exactly the new feature may do isn’t entirely certain.
That said, popular discussions in Microsoft’s Feeback Hub for a feature that could prioritize performance for games in Windows, WalkingCat amongst others are now pointing the finger at some sort of performance-enhancing mode. This could allocate more resources to games and lower priority for non-gaming tasks to boost performance – for example, to increase frame rates.Specifically, the CPU could be held at higher frequencies or have more time allocated to a current open game, with the graphics card and system memory offering similar improvements if they were forced to prioritize the game over other tasks. With Xbox Live games coming to Windows 10, there’s also the possibility the mode could relate to that. Intel is also releasing new products in early 2017, many of which could tie into a performance-enhancing mode too.
Meanwhile, Windows Central stated they believe the new feature is similar to how the Xbox One handles games, where it will actively ensure the game is running as fast as it can. The site also questioned whether Microsoft would allow all games, including those running via Steam or Origin, to access the mode or if it would be limited to those via the Windows Store.
Other features spotted in the build are a blue light reduction mode, similar to Apple’s Night Shift mode and f.lux, which is available for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and iOS. Winaero.com has a working guide on how to enable the filter within Windows 10, which includes a schedule mode too, although this only works on the Insider Build for now.

Image via http://winaero.com
Other users have reported a marked reduction in the space required to install the new version of the OS too. It’s an interesting move from Microsoft if it does indeed turn out to be a performance-enhancing feature, although the impact is likely to be small on medium to high-end systems. Low-end systems, though, could benefit much more, especially if they’re running with limited memory and slower CPUs.