Scowl caught on camera leads to #PhelpsFace trending on social media

South African swimmer Chad le Clos might be having second thoughts about his choice to warm up right in front of American swimmer Michael Phelps.

In the ready room on Tuesday, cameras caught Phelps in deep focus mode. Phelps appeared to be staring down le Clos, who was shadowboxing in front of him. The video caught fire on social media, where “#PhelpsFace” was trending by Tuesday morning. See the video at the bottom of this story or tap here to watch on YouTube.

Phelps was asked about the death stare after his 2nd place finish in the 200M butterfly, where he downplayed the entire “incident.” “I was trying not to really even look at him. He does his thing, I do my thing. I was watching the heat in front of me and watching what they were going.”

Whether it was an intentional glare or not, there’s plenty of room in Rio for race preparations. Maybe the space right in front of Michael Phelps is one spot other swimmers should avoid.

[Source:- WOWT]

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