The Modern: United kingdom lawmaker desires Parliament to overturn Ecu vote

A British opposition lawmaker says Parliament ought to stop the “insanity” and overturn the result of a referendum calling for Britain to leave the ecu Union.

Labour legislator David Lammy says Thursday’s countrywide vote turned into non-binding and “our sovereign Parliament needs to now vote on whether we must quit the european.”

He says a fewdepart” supporters now remorse their votes and Parliament should vote on Britain’s Eu club. He statedwe are able to prevent this madness and convey this nightmare to an give up. … Allow us tonot spoil our economic system on the idea of lies and the hubris of (‘leaveleader) Boris Johnson.”

Constitutional experts say Parliament can’t easily forget about the need of the humans. Alan Renwick, deputy director of College University London’s Constitution Unit, says “in prison theory this is feasible. Inpractice, this is really no longer viable.”


6:15 p.M.

Britain’s vote to leave the european Union has reverberated thru London’s boisterous LGBT satisfactionpageant.

The flags of Eu international locations flew on the annual pleasure in London parade, which ended with a rally in Trafalgar Rectangular.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan told the crowd of thousands that Europeans in London are “our buddies, ourfamilies and our acquaintances.”

Khan says “I recognize the large contribution you make to our city, you’re welcome here. I make you this promise as your mayor. That won’t change.”

Voters in London overwhelmingly supported staying within the Ecu, however a majority outdoor the capital voted to leave.

Belgian Georges Peters, who turned into flying his u . S .‘s flag on the parade, stated he became “verydissatisfied approximately the vote. I assume that is horrific for the economic system and it’s vital that we stand together.”

Antaine O’Briain from Ireland stated he wasgreatly surprised and horrified” at the result of the Thursday’s vote.


5:fifty five p.M.

France’s economy minister is calling for a brand new, more obvious plan for the eu Union that could be submitted to a famous vote.

Emmanuel Macron is accusing Britain’s Conservative Birthday celebration of taking the relaxation of the european hostage with a referendum staged for domestic motives that now is threatening to torpedo Eusolidarity. His surprisingly outspoken comments got here at a debate Saturday on the Institute for PoliticalScience in Paris on how Ecu can deal with Britain’s vote to leave the 28-country Eu.

Macron says “If we made a mistake … it’s to have permit a member state take hostage the ecu mission in a unilateral manner … And consequently to have choreographed these last few months the opportunity of the crumbling of Europe.”


four:10 p.M.

Britain’s vote to depart the eu Union has spurred a surge in hobby in acquiring Irish citizenship from human beings in Northern Ireland.

The Publish Workplace in Northern Eire says it has “seen an surprisingly high variety of people in Northern Eire in search of Irish passport applications.”

Northern Ireland is part of the UK, but the majority born there can also claim citizenship inside theneighboring Republic of Irelandan european member. Even as Britain as a whole voted to leave the european in Thursday’s referendum, a majority of Electorate in Northern Eire opted to stay.

Irish citizenship has commonly been taken up by way of participants of Northern Ireland‘s Irish nationalist Roman Catholic network, as opposed to by way of Protestants who identify as British.

however in a sign of ways the referendum has turned politics on its head, considered one of NorthernEire‘s main Protestant politicians, Ian Paisley Jr., tweeted: “My recommendation is in case you are entitled to 2d passport then take one.”


3:50 p.M.

the eu commissioner from Latvia, who’s now liable for overseeing the eu‘s financial services quarter, says his “precedence is to keep economic balance in markets.”

the eu‘s euro commissioner Valdis Dombrovskis says he hopes “to stay as much as tasks entrusted to me.”

Dombrovskis wrote on Twitter that “I enormously cost the work” of Jonathan Hill, the British consultant onthe ecu Govt Fee who stepped down Saturday, saying he turned into upset by the British referendum end result.

Eu Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker immediately transferred Hill’s obligations to Dombrovskis, costing Britain a key voice in a sector this is highly crucial to London, whose fame as Europe’s financialcapital is threatened by way of Britain’s Ecu go out.


three:forty five p.M.

Italy’s finance minister is urging the eu Union to do greater than “situation itself only approximately banks. In an interview with Milan newspaper Corriere della Sera Saturday, Pier Carlo Padoan says it’s time tosuppose the “unthinkable.”

He says “deep dissatisfaction” over immigration, protection and slow monetary boom ought to integratefor a in addition push closer to disintegration of the eu bloc. Italy has been pushing for more Europeanaction to inspire monetary boom.

Padoan says it is possible Britain’s Eu go out should purpose smaller increase in Italy.


3:40 p.M.

Iran’s Overseas Ministry says in a announcement that the British humans‘s choice to go away the european Union will have no effect on Tehran’s method towards the U.Okay.

The declaration, carried by way of Iran’s English language Press Tv on Saturday, stated “Iran respects the British people‘s vote to leave the eu Union.”

An reliable in President Hassan Rouhani’s Workplace, Hamid Aboutalebi, had called it a “huge earthquake” and a part of the “domino” collapse of the ecu.

Iran’s authorities remains suspicious of britain over its position in backing a 1953 coup. A British-Iraniangirl held through the Progressive Protect faces allegations of working in the direction of the “gentletoppling” of the authorities.


Associated Press author Amir Vahdat in Tehran, Iran contributed.


three:15 p.M.

French President Francois Hollande is maintaining splendid conferences with the leaders of France’s political events, as European leaders try to preserve the union together after Britain’s vote to leave.

A ways right leader Marine Le Pen known as for a referendum on France’s Ecu club following Thursday’s British vote. Hollande’s management disregarded the decision, however Le Pen is currently extra famousin opinion polls and hopes to update Hollande in presidential elections subsequent year.

Hollande convened a string of meetings Saturday with his own Socialist Birthday party, former President Nicolas Sarkozy’s conservative competition Birthday celebration The Republicans, the Far propercountrywide Front, the Vegetables and parties at the A ways left and center.

France is a founding member of what is now the european, however French Voters rejected an europeanConstitution in 2005 that could have enshrined closer solidarity, and France’s heartland has plenty of theequal frustration at economic stagnation and migration that drove the British vote to stop the ecu.


2:25 p.M.

Danish High Minister Lars Loekke Rasmussen says Britain’s exit “will echo for years yet to come andchange the Europe as we are aware of it.”

He says “the european must live away from areas wherein international locations do it qualitythemselves” and take note of popular skepticism throughout the continent.

After a government assembly Saturday to talk about the British vote, he wrote on Fb that the authorities‘sprecedence was “to shield Danish hobbies in the imminent divorce.”

Loekke Rasmussen stated Friday the Scandinavian united states that joined the ecu Union in 1973 at theidentical time as Britain, has “no plans to hold a referendum on this basic count.”


2:15 p.M.

Ecu Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker says he regrets the resignation of england‘s Eucommissioner, Jonathan Hill.

Hill became answerable for the ecu‘s oversight of financial offerings — a extremely critical industry to London.

Juncker stated that “I desired the British commissioner to be in fee of financial services, as a signal of myself belief in the United kingdom‘s membership of the ecu Union. To my extremely good remorse, this situation is now converting.”

He said he might transfer Hill’s responsibilities to Valdis Dombrovskis, European commissioner from Latvia.


2:10 p.M.

the ecu Union’s six founding nations are urging a brief British departure from the bloc and are pledging todeal with divergent attitudes towards the eu from its 27 ultimate member countries.

Foreign ministers of Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg met in Berlin on Saturday and stated in a announcement that they need Britain to speedy invoke the article within the Ecuconstitution allowing it to start negotiations on departure.

Concerning the alternative contributors, they stated “We ought to discover higher methods of coping with these special tiers” of dedication to closer European cohesion. Founding international locationsneed to increase political and economic cooperation however some newer countries are cautious of giving up greater sovereignty.

We are conscious that discontent with the functioning of the eu as it’s miles today is happen in elementsof our societies. We take this very severely and are decided to make the eu paintings higher for all ourcitizens,” it stated.


2:00 p.M.

France’s Overseas minister is hoping Britain can name a new High minister within the coming days to hurryup its departure from the ecu Union.

That time-frame is especially unrealistic given the political turmoil in Britain. Alternatively it is probably to take months to call a substitute to High Minister David Cameron, who’s resigning and wants his successorto address the departure negotiations.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault stated Saturday “they need to designate a new High minister, which might certainly require several days.” He was speakme in Berlin along opposite numbers from thefive other founding members of the eu Union, as Eu leaders attempt to keep the mission from falling asideafter British Voters chose Thursday to depart.


2:00 p.M.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel says it “shouldn’t take forever” for Britain to supply formal notification that it wants to leave the ecu Union however is making clear that the matter is in London’s palms.

Merkel said Saturday at a news convention in Potsdam, outdoor Berlin: “To be honest, it shouldn’t takefor all time, it is righthowever I would now not combat over a short period of time.”

The German chief stated she is looking for a “goal, suitableclimate in talks on Britain’s go out from the european and that there is no need to make deterrence a concern.

Merkel stated that there may be “no want to be specifically nasty in any manner in the negotiations; theyshould be performed properly.”


1:55 p.M.

An online petition searching for a 2nd referendum on a British go out from the Europe Union has drawnmore than 1 million names, a degree of the tremendous divisiveness of Thursday’s vote to leave the 28-country bloc.

The web petition website online hosted by the House of Commons internet site crashed Friday below the weight of the hobby as officers stated they’d visible extraordinary hobby within the degree.

On line petitions — which take little attempt and are smooth to recreation — are terrible measures ofpopular opinion, however any petition which attracts greater than one hundred,000 names need to beconsidered for debate in Parliament.

within the short time period, demands for a rerun are likely to head nowhere for the reason that Britain’s “leave” camp won with the aid of more than 1 million votes in a high-turnout vote.


1:50 p.M.

Britain’s representative on the eu‘s Government frame says he’s resigning due to the fact it would no longer be proper to hold on after the U.K. Vote to go away the bloc.

Jonathan Hill, Britain’s European commissioner, says he’s very dissatisfied by means of the referendumend result, butwhat is accomplished can’t be undone.”

Hill says in a announcement that he’s going to paintings with Ecu Fee President Jean-Claude Juncker tomake certain there may be an “orderly handover.”

Hill says he started out his job skeptical of the eu however leaves it “positive that, no matter its frustrations, our membership became true for our vicinity within the global and true for our financial system.”


1:00 p.M.

British competition chief Jeremy Corbyn says Britain must react “evenly and rationally” to the divisive Eureferendum marketing campaign.

Corbyn, whose Labour Birthday celebration subsidized a vote to stay inside the bloc, says the areas that voted maximum strongly to go away are “groups that have effectively been desertedthrough financialexchange and the austerity regulations of england‘s Conservative government.

He informed a assembly in London Saturday that politicians had to take critically Electorateworriesabout immigration, which led many to again a British go out from the 28-kingdom Eu.

Many Labour lawmakers strongly backedcontinue to be” and accuse the socialist Corbyn, an establishedcritic of the european, of failing to rally Party supporters in the back of staying inside the bloc. numerousare seeking to rally guide behind a bid to united states Corbyn.


12:fifty five p.M.

Luxembourg’s Foreign minister says Britain desires to speedy start negotiations with the ecu Union on itsexit from the change bloc.

talking Saturday in Berlin after meeting with different top Eu diplomats, Jean Asselborn stated he hopedthere would be no “cat and mouse” sport now and that Britain would invoke Article 50 of the ecu charter, which lets in for a country to depart.

“There ought to be readability,” Asselborn advised newshounds. “The people have spoken and we wantto implement this decision.”

He brought that once outside the bloc, Britain might be a “0.33 u . S . A .” — the eu time period for non-contributors — in phrases of exchange agreements but emphasized that wasno longer meantnegatively.”


12:50 p.M.

Scottish chief Nicola Sturgeon says Scotland will release instantaneous talks with Ecu Union countries andinstitutions to find a way to stay within the bloc notwithstanding Britain’s vote to depart.

Sturgeon says Citizens in Scotland gave “emphatic” backing to remaining in the bloc. A majority of Citizensin greater-populous England opted to leave.

After assembly along with her Cupboard she saidwe are able to are seeking to enter into instantdialogue” with the relaxation of the eu.

She says a brand new referendum on Scottish independence from the United Kingdom is “very tons on thedesk.”


12:forty p.M.

Eu Foreign ministers are urging short negotiations on Britain’s departure from the european to avoidprolonged economic and political lack of confidence for the continent.

French Overseas Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault saidthere may be a positive urgency … so that we do nothave a duration of uncertainty, with financial results, political effects.”

He spoke in Berlin on Saturday alongside counterparts from the other five founding participants of what has come to be the european — Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. Additionally they mentioned the want for a rapid renegotiation.

He also advised the ultimate 27 Ecu countries to return to “the spirit of the founders” of Europeansolidarity, forged to save you war via trade after global Warfare II. “it’s miles as much as us to recreate this spirit,” he stated, noting all the Eu nations that in the end joined after overthrowing dictatorships and embracing democracy.


12:20 p.M.

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier says negotiations on British go out should start “asquickly as feasiblehowever provides that “extensive Eu discussions” are wished.

talking after a assembly in Berlin with Overseas ministers of the opposite 5 founding individuals of the eu, Steinmeier there may be a want to “display the human beings of Europe that Europe is critical, and notmost effective essential but capable of perform its work.”

He also called for Britain to have interaction in talks quicker as opposed to later. He says: “Weapprehend and admire the end result and understand that remarkable Britain will now deal withexquisite Britain,” but adds that Britain as a duty to paintings with the eu on go out terms.


10:05 a.M.

French President Francois Hollande says the British vote to leave the ecu Union poses questions “for theentire planet.”

Hollande vowed Saturday to keep members of the family with Britain, appreciably concerning migrants crossing among the two international locations and military and financial cooperation.

speakme after a meeting in Paris with U.N. Secretary-Fashionable Ban Ki-moon, Hollande stated: “For thewhole planet there may be a query, what’s going to manifest?”

He referred to as for an orderly separation among Britain and the eu after Thursday’s historical vote to go out the bloc, formed after international wars to save you new warfare thru alternate cooperation.

Hollande, whose us of a became a founding pillar of European cohesion, is preserving emergencyconferences Saturday with leaders of France’s political events as European leaders try to maintain the bloc from unravelling after the British vote.


08:30 a.M.

pinnacle diplomats from the eu Union’s authentic six founding international locations are meeting in Berlin for swiftly arranged talks following Britain’s beautiful vote to go away the bloc.

German Overseas Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier says it’s miles crucial to see the vote as a wakeupname. He turned into heading into conferences Saturday along with his opposite numbers from France, Netherlands, Italy, Belgium and Luxembourg.

Steinmeier says Eu politicians must concentrate “to the expectancies of the ecu governments howeveralso to the expectancies of the humans.”

He recommended in opposition to rash decisions, pronouncing that “it’s totally clean that in instanceslike those one have to neither be hysterical nor fall into paralysis.”

Steinmeier’s Office says the assembly is one among many conversations now taking region, and shouldn’tbe visible as “an unique layout.”The Contemporary on Britain’s historical vote to leave the ecu Union (allinstances neighborhood):

7:25 p.M.

A British competition lawmaker says Parliament ought to prevent the “madness” and overturn the end result of a referendum calling for Britain to depart the eu Union.

Labour legislator David Lammy says Thursday’s national vote became non-binding and “our sovereign Parliament desires to now vote on whether we must cease the ecu.”

He says a fewdepart” supporters now regret their votes and Parliament need to vote on Britain’s Europeanclub. He saidwe will forestall this insanity and bring this nightmare to an cease. … Allow us to no longer smash our financial system on the basis of lies and the hubris of (‘leaveleader) Boris Johnson.”

Constitutional professionals say Parliament can not effortlessly ignore the will of the human beings. Alan Renwick, deputy director of University College London’s Charter Unit, says “in criminal concept that ispossible. In exercise, this is genuinely not feasible.”


6:15 p.M.

Britain’s vote to go away the eu Union has reverberated thru London’s boisterous LGBT satisfactioncompetition.

The flags of Eu international locations flew on the annual delight in London parade, which ended with a rally in Trafalgar Square.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan told the group of heaps that Europeans in London are “our friends, ourhouseholds and our associates.”

Khan says “I recognize the large contribution you’re making to our town, you are welcome right here. I make you this promise as your mayor. That might not exchange.”

Electorate in London overwhelmingly supported staying inside the Ecu, however a majority outdoor the capital voted to go away.

Belgian Georges Peters, who became flying his country‘s flag at the parade, stated he became “very upsetapproximately the vote. I think that is horrific for the economy and it’s critical that we stand collectively.”

Antaine O’Briain from Ireland said he becomestunned and horrified” on the end result of the Thursday’s vote.


5:55 p.M.

France’s economic system minister is calling for a brand new, greater transparent plan for the eu Unionthat might be submitted to a famous vote.

Emmanuel Macron is accusing Britain’s Conservative Celebration of taking the rest of the eu hostage with a referendum staged for home reasons that now’s threatening to torpedo European team spirit. Hissurprisingly outspoken comments came at a debate Saturday at the Institute for Political Technology in Paris on how Eu can deal with Britain’s vote to go away the 28-nation Eu.

Macron says “If we made a mistake … it’s to have let a member state take hostage the european venture in a unilateral way … And therefore to have choreographed these previous couple of months the possibilityof the crumbling of Europe.”


four:10 p.M.

Britain’s vote to go away the european Union has spurred a surge in interest in acquiring Irish citizenship from humans in Northern Eire.

The Put up Office in Northern Ireland says it has “seen an surprisingly excessive variety of humans in Northern Eire seeking Irish passport packages.”

Northern Ireland is a part of the United Kingdom, but the majority born there can also claim citizenshipinside the neighboring Republic of Irelandan ecu member. Whilst Britain as an entire voted to departthe ecu in Thursday’s referendum, a majority of Citizens in Northern Ireland opted to remain.

Irish citizenship has typically been taken up through members of Northern Ireland‘s Irish nationalist Roman Catholic community, rather than by way of Protestants who perceive as British.

but in a sign of ways the referendum has grew to become politics on its head, one among Northern Eire‘sleading Protestant politicians, Ian Paisley Jr., tweeted: “My advice is if you are entitled to second passport then take one.”


three:50 p.M.

the eu commissioner from Latvia, who’s now responsible for overseeing the european‘s monetaryofferings area, says his “precedence is to keep economic stability in markets.”

the european‘s euro commissioner Valdis Dombrovskis says he hopes “to live up to obligations entrusted to me.”

Dombrovskis wrote on Twitter that “I quite value the work” of Jonathan Hill, the British consultant on the european Government Commission who stepped down Saturday, saying he changed into dissatisfied by way of the British referendum result.

European Fee President Jean-Claude Juncker right away transferred Hill’s duties to Dombrovskis, costing Britain a key voice in a sector this is highly crucial to London, whose status as Europe’s economic capital is threatened via Britain’s European go out.


3:forty five p.M.

Italy’s finance minister is urging the european Union to do greater than “challenge itself handiestapproximately banks. In an interview with Milan newspaper Corriere della Sera Saturday, Pier Carlo Padoan says it’s time to suppose the “unthinkable.”

He says “deep dissatisfaction” over immigration, safety and slow financial boom may want to integrate for a similarly push towards disintegration of the eu bloc. Italy has been pushing for more Ecu action toencourage monetary growth.

Padoan says it is viable Britain’s Ecu exit should motive smaller boom in Italy.


three:forty p.M.

Iran’s Overseas Ministry says in a announcement that the British humans‘s decision to leave the eu Union will have no effect on Tehran’s technique in the direction of the U.K.

The declaration, carried by means of Iran’s English language Press Television on Saturday, said “Iran respects the British people‘s vote to leave the eu Union.”

An respectable in President Hassan Rouhani’s Office, Hamid Aboutalebi, had called it a “big earthquake” and a part of the “domino” collapse of the european.

Iran’s authorities remains suspicious of england over its role in backing a 1953 coup. A British-Iranianwoman held through the Progressive Defend faces allegations of working toward the “soft toppling” of theauthorities.


Associated Press writer Amir Vahdat in Tehran, Iran contributed.


3:15 p.M.

French President Francois Hollande is conserving brilliant meetings with the leaders of France’s politicalevents, as Eu leaders try to keep the union collectively after Britain’s vote to depart.

A long way right leader Marine Le Pen called for a referendum on France’s Ecu membership following Thursday’s British vote. Hollande’s administration dismissed the call, but Le Pen is presently greaterfamous in opinion polls and hopes to replace Hollande in presidential elections next year.

Hollande convened a string of conferences Saturday with his own Socialist Birthday party, former President Nicolas Sarkozy’s conservative opposition Birthday party The Republicans, the Some distanceright countrywide Front, the Vegetables and events at the A ways left and center.

France is a founding member of what is now the ecu, but French Electorate rejected an european Charterin 2005 that would have enshrined nearer unity, and France’s heartland has lots of the identical frustration at economic stagnation and migration that drove the British vote to stop the ecu.


2:25 p.M.

Danish Prime Minister Lars Loekke Rasmussen says Britain’s go out “will echo for years yet to come andtrade the Europe as we understand it.”

He says “the european should stay faraway from regions wherein international locations do it qualitythemselves” and pay attention to famous skepticism throughout the continent.

After a government meeting Saturday to talk about the British vote, he wrote on Fb that the authorities‘sprecedence turned into “to guard Danish pastimes in the imminent divorce.”

Loekke Rasmussen said Friday the Scandinavian usa that joined the european Union in 1973 on theidentical time as Britain, has “no plans to keep a referendum on this fundamental rely.”


2:15 p.M.

Ecu Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker says he regrets the resignation of england‘s Ecucommissioner, Jonathan Hill.

Hill changed into liable for the eu‘s oversight of monetary offerings — a hugely vital industry to London.

Juncker stated that “I wanted the British commissioner to be in fee of economic services, as a signal of myconfidence within the Uk‘s club of the european Union. To my brilliant regret, this situation is nowconverting.”

He stated he could switch Hill’s obligations to Valdis Dombrovskis, Eu commissioner from Latvia.


2:10 p.M.

the european Union’s six founding nations are urging a short British departure from the bloc and are pledging to address divergent attitudes towards the eu from its 27 last member countries.

Foreign ministers of Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg met in Berlin on Saturday and stated in a statement that they want Britain to quickly invoke the thing within the Ecuconstitution permitting it to start negotiations on departure.

Concerning the alternative individuals, they said “We must discover higher approaches of managingthose exclusive tiers” of commitment to nearer Ecu unity. Founding countries need to increase political and economic cooperation but a few more moderen nations are wary of giving up more sovereignty.

We’re conscious that discontent with the functioning of the ecu as it’s miles today is happen in parts of our societies. We take this very seriously and are decided to make the european work better for all ourcitizens,” it said.


2:00 p.M.

France’s Foreign minister is hoping Britain can name a new High minister in the coming days to hurry up its departure from the european Union.

That time-frame is exceptionally unrealistic given the political turmoil in Britain. Instead it’s far possibly to take months to name a alternative to High Minister David Cameron, who’s resigning and needs his successor to handle the departure negotiations.

French Overseas Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said Saturday “they ought to designate a new High minister, which might truely require numerous days.” He become speakme in Berlin alongside counterparts from the five different founding members of the european Union, as Ecu leaders try to keep the task from falling aside after British Citizens chose Thursday to go away.


2:00 p.M.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel says it “shouldn’t take forever” for Britain to supply formal notification that it desires to go away the european Union but is making clear that the matter is in London’s hands.

Merkel stated Saturday at a information conference in Potsdam, outside Berlin: “To be sincere, it should not take all the time, it truly is righthowever I might no longer combat over a brief period of time.”

The German leader said she is seeking a “goal, suitableweather in talks on Britain’s exit from the eu and that there’s no need to make deterrence a priority.

Merkel stated that there’s “no need to be particularly nasty in any way in the negotiations; they ought tobe conducted nicely.”


1:fifty five p.M.

An internet petition in search of a 2d referendum on a British exit from the Europe Union has drawn morethan 1 million names, a measure of the tremendous divisiveness of Thursday’s vote to depart the 28-statebloc.

The online petition website online hosted via the House of Commons internet site crashed Friday belowthe load of the pastime as officials said that they had visible unparalleled interest within the measure.

On-line petitions — which take little effort and are easy to recreation — are negative measures of popularopinion, however any petition which attracts more than a hundred,000 names should be considered for debate in Parliament.

inside the brief time period, demands for a rerun are likely to move nowhere for the reason that Britain’s “depart” camp won through more than 1 million votes in a high-turnout vote.


1:50 p.M.

Britain’s consultant on the ecu‘s Government body says he is resigning due to the fact it would not beright to hold on after the U.K. Vote to leave the bloc.

Jonathan Hill, Britain’s European commissioner, says he is very dissatisfied through the referendum end result, butwhat’s accomplished cannot be undone.”

Hill says in a assertion that he will work with Ecu Fee President Jean-Claude Juncker to ensure there is an “orderly handover.”

Hill says he started out his activity skeptical of the european however leaves it “certain that, in spite of its frustrations, our membership became properly for our place in the international and top for oureconomy.”


1:00 p.M.

British competition leader Jeremy Corbyn says Britain ought to react “evenly and rationally” to the divisiveEcu referendum campaign.

Corbyn, whose Labour Birthday party subsidized a vote to stay within the bloc, says the areas that votedmost strongly to leave are “groups which have effectively been desertedby using financial trade and the austerity guidelines of england‘s Conservative government.

He informed a assembly in London Saturday that politicians needed to take significantly Citizensissuesapproximately immigration, which led many to back a British go out from the 28-state European.

Many Labour lawmakers strongly subsidizedremain” and accuse the socialist Corbyn, an established critic of the ecu, of failing to rally Party supporters in the back of staying in the bloc. numerous are trying to rallyguide behind a bid to america Corbyn.


12:55 p.M.

Luxembourg’s Foreign minister says Britain wishes to quick begin negotiations with the eu Union on its exitfrom the trade bloc.

speaking Saturday in Berlin after meeting with other top Eu diplomats, Jean Asselborn said he was hopingthere would be no “cat and mouse” game now and that Britain could invoke Article 50 of the eu charter, which lets in for a rustic to leave.

“There ought to be readability,” Asselborn told journalists. “The humans have spoken and we need to put in force this choice.”

He delivered that after outdoor the bloc, Britain could be a “0.33 u . S .” — the ecu time period for non-contributors — in phrases of alternate agreements but emphasized that becomeno longer supposednegatively.”


12:50 p.M.

Scottish leader Nicola Sturgeon says Scotland will release instantaneous talks with Ecu Union countriesand establishments to discover a way to stay within the bloc no matter Britain’s vote to depart.

Sturgeon says Electorate in Scotland gave “emphatic” backing to closing inside the bloc. A majority ofVoters in more-populous England opted to go away.

After assembly together with her Cabinet she statedwe are able to are seeking for to go into intoimmediately dialogue” with the rest of the eu.

She says a brand new referendum on Scottish independence from the United Kingdom is “very a whole lotat the table.”


12:40 p.M.

European Foreign ministers are urging brief negotiations on Britain’s departure from the ecu to avoidextended financial and political lack of confidence for the continent.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault saidthere’s a sure urgency … in order that we do not have aduration of uncertainty, with economic results, political consequences.”

He spoke in Berlin on Saturday along opposite numbers from the other 5 founding individuals of what hasturn out to be the ecu — Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. Additionally theystated the want for a speedy renegotiation.

He also entreated the closing 27 Ecu international locations to return to “the spirit of the founders” ofEuropean cohesion, solid to save you battle through trade after world Battle II. “it’s far up to us to recreate this spirit,” he said, noting all the Eu countries that subsequently joined after overthrowing dictatorships and embracing democracy.


12:20 p.M.

German Overseas Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier says negotiations on British exit must begin “as soonas possiblebut adds that “extensive Ecu discussions” are wanted.

speaking after a assembly in Berlin with Overseas ministers of the opposite 5 founding contributors of the european, Steinmeier there is a want to “display the human beings of Europe that Europe is crucial, andno longer best essential however able to perform its paintings.”

He also known as for Britain to have interaction in talks faster as opposed to later. He says: “Werecognize and recognize the result and remember that remarkable Britain will now give attention towonderful Britain,” however adds that Britain as a obligation to work with the ecu on exit phrases.


10:05 a.M.

French President Francois Hollande says the British vote to depart the eu Union poses questions “for theentire planet.”

Hollande vowed Saturday to preserve family members with Britain, appreciably regarding migrants crossingamong the two countries and army and economic cooperation.

speaking after a meeting in Paris with U.N. Secretary-Wellknown Ban Ki-moon, Hollande said: “For thewhole planet there’s a query, what’s going to occur?”

He referred to as for an orderly separation between Britain and the eu after Thursday’s historic vote to go out the bloc, shaped after two world wars to prevent new struggle through change cooperation.

Hollande, whose u . S . A . was a founding pillar of Eu team spirit, is preserving emergency meetingsSaturday with leaders of France’s political events as European leaders try and maintain the bloc from unravelling after the British vote.


08:30 a.M.

top diplomats from the eu Union’s original six founding countries are meeting in Berlin for hastily arrangedtalks following Britain’s beautiful vote to depart the bloc.

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier says it’s far crucial to see the vote as a wakeup name. He was heading into meetings Saturday along with his opposite numbers from France, Netherlands, Italy, Belgium and Luxembourg.

Steinmeier says Eu politicians must concentrate “to the expectancies of the ecu governments howeveralso to the expectancies of the people.”

He suggested in opposition to rash selections, saying that “it’s absolutely clean that in times likethese one ought to neither be hysterical nor fall into paralysis.”

Steinmeier’s Workplace says the assembly is one of many conversations now taking vicinity, and should not be seen as “an distinctive format.”

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