This Man Gives People’s Pics The EXACT Photoshop Makeovers They Want

This Man Gives People's Pics The EXACT Photoshop Makeovers They Want

It’s common for a graphic designer or photoshop expert to get requests from people asking for changes to their pictures. It takes real talent and a sense of humour to do what this man does.

Meet graphic designer James Fridman who’s popular on social media for taking people’s photoshop requests way too literally.

Usually when Mr Fridman is done with a picture, it turns out to be extremely hilarious and so not what the person asked for. And yet, people can’t help but share their photos with the designer. It’s as if they want him to troll them.

The designer has simple rules on all his social accounts that are full of funny before and after pictures. The first is to not submit a photo that you wouldn’t want made public; the second is to read and adhere to his eight point ‘terms and conditions’ document before submitting photos. Then the magic happens.

[Source:- NDTV ]

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